P2.1 - AQA GCSE Physics Unit 2 - Overview




Forces and their effects

Forces can cause changes to the shape or motion of an object. Objects can move in a straight line at a constant speed. They can also change their speed and/ or direction (accelerate or decelerate). Graphs can help us to describe the movement of an object. These may be distance-time graphs or velocity-time graphs.

Candidates should use their skills, knowledge and understanding to:

■ interpret data from tables and graphs relating to speed, velocity and acceleration See distance-time graphs and velocity-time graphs.
■ evaluate the effects of alcohol and drugs on stopping distances
■ evaluate how the shape and power of a vehicle can be altered to increase the vehicle's top speed
■ draw and interpret velocity-time graphs for objects that reach terminal velocity, including a consideration of the forces acting on the object.

This section of the second unit is broken into five sections:

P2.1.1 - Resultant forces

P2.1.2 - Forces and motion

P2.1.3 - Forces and braking

P2.1.4 - Forces and terminal velocity

P2.1.5 - Forces and elasticity

There is also a page suggesting practical experiments that should be carried out during the study of this section.