Questions on Electric Circuits


An electrical current is the rate of flow of charge. The rate of flow of charge depends on two factors:

    • the resistance of the component and
    • the potentail difference (voltage) across the component.

    (a) We use instruments to make measurements when we are conducting experiemnets with electrical circuits.

    (i) Name the instrument that measures the rate of flow of charge.


    (ii) How must this instrument be connected into the circuit?

    In series (with the component it is to measure the current through).

    (iii) What is the unit of rate of flow of charge?

    Amps (A)

3 marks


    (i) Name the instrument that measures potential difference.


    (ii) How must this instrument be connected into the circuit?

    In parallel (with the component it is to measure the voltage across).

    (iii) What is the unit of potential difference?

    Volt (V)

3 marks

The diagram shows a circuit containing six identical bulbs.

(c) In which part of the circuit, A, B, C, D or E, is there:

(i) the greatest flow of charge? A

(ii) the least flow of charge? D

2 marks

(d) Which bulb (X, Y or Z) has:

(i) the biggest potentail difference across it? X

(ii) the smallest potential difference across it? Z


2 marks

Total 10 marks