KS3 Questions on Sound

Q5. Sound levels are measured in decibels (dB). The graph shows the recommended maximum times people should listen to sounds of different levels. If they listen to the sound at that loudness for longer times, there could be serious damage to hearing.

(a) What is the recommended maximum time each day for listening to a personal stereo at 96 dB?

See graph

2 hours

1 mark

(b) In what way could a sound of more than 120 dB damage the ear?

Any one from:

  • it would damage or burst the ear drum
  • it could damage the cochlea or nerve endings
  • Accept 'it makes you deaf'
  • Accept is can cause 'tinnitus' or 'ringing in the ear'

1 mark


(i) Sally works for five hours in a nightclub. What should the maximum sound level be in the nightclub so that her hearing is not damaged? Use the graph to find your answer.

See graph

92 dB

1 mark

(ii) How can ear plugs protect Sally's ears?

any one from:

  • they reduce the volume of the sound for Sally - make it sound quieter
  • they absorb some of the sound energy
  • they reduce the possibility of damage to the eardrum/cochlea/nerve endings/inner ear or middle ear

1 mark

Maximum 4 marks