Safety in practical lessons using ionising radiation


  • There is a simulation program that can be used instead of the radioactive sources. This removes the need to expose younger pupils to the sources at all. It is found in the science folder on your desktop. It is called tumbling dice. The girls can use it to conduct little experiments with no risk to themselves or others.
  • The Geiger counter can be requested to illustrate the random nature and constant presence of background radiation (putting the counter against a child’s head to show that rays had passed through her is memorable! There are two display counters one gives an audible click – that is the most useful for the lesson.
  • At A level the sources themselves may be ordered for pupil use. They must be constantly supervised. See the radiation protection supervisor in your school and consult the ‘Local Rules’ and more information before your use the sources.

Extracted from WGHS Physiscs Department hHandbook written by L.O. Jones 2005