Specific Heat Capacity and Latent Heat Questions - GCSE standard

Q9. Andy carried out an experiment to determine the specific heat capacity of water. Here is a diagram of the equipment he used to heat the water.

(a) Explain why Andy insulated the beaker of water.

[1 mark]

(b) One hazard in this experiment is the hot water. Give one risk caused by this hazard.

[1 mark]

(c) The diagram shows of the thermometer that Andy used in more detail.

What is the resolution of the thermometer?

[1 mark]

(d) The diagram shows the beaker of water on a balance.

The mass of the water was 200 g

What was the mass of the beaker in kilograms?

[1 mark]

(e) The energy transferred to the water was 26.4 kJ The mass of water was 0.20 kg.

The temperature increase of the water was 30 °C.

Calculate the specific heat capacity of water using the data from this experiment.

[4 marks]

(Total 8 marks)