Module 4: Electrons, waves and photons

4.1 Charge and current

4.1.1 Charge





(a) electric current as rate of flow of charge;

I = ΔQ/Δt




(b) the coulomb as the unit of charge


(c) the elementary charge e equals 1.6 × 10–19 C

  You will be expected to know that an electron has charge –e and a proton a charge +e.

(d) net charge on a particle or an object is quantised and a multiple of e



(e) current as the movement of electrons in metals and movement of ions in electrolytes



(f) conventional current and electron flow


(g) Kirchhoff's first law; conservation of charge.



Mean drift velocity



(a) mean drift velocity of charge carriers




(b) I = Anev,

where n is the number density of charge carriers



(c) distinction between conductors, semiconductors and insulators in terms of n.